

Seven of Cups 

Seven of Cups indicates a whirlpool of emotions through this month of May. Its not a month that reveals all the answers, rather a period where feelings are on the rise. Theres been an overload of information coming from everywhere that adds to this fertile ground we currently stand. Some wonderful platforms of inspiration, then completely opposing forces seeming to be like wolves in sheeps clothing.

The picture of this tarot card captures this perfectly, the innocence of a girl in search. Her awareness has heightened, becoming observant of the many choices that stand before her. This card being a ‘cups’ (emotions) reveals an emotional surge that will flow strongly with this shift of the collective. Number ‘7’ brings a powerful energy that heightens emotional confusion yet potentially can reveal delusions. With an array of options laid out which is seemingly endless, so much learning is available here. 

There are sketchy characters amidst truth and beauty, so inner stillness must demand the truth before progressing forward. Let the month of May encourage you to pause and be diligent, PATIENCE is the key. BE the observer, as many truths are yet to be revealed. 

Being coaxed into rash judgements will tempt this emotionally vulnerable period of uncertainty. Let the mysteries unfold first!!! This card draws an assurance of new awareness rising within humanity. The layers of division between the ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’ will find an equal standing ground on which we can build a greater future.

So be kind to your emotional well-being, release release release!!! Allow your heart to catch up and surpass the drama. In the meanwhile let the powers of this world realign to your deepest soul desires. 

With gratitude for this moment
